Our Six Sigma program brings in ‘Problem Solving’ approach to help participants understand various kinds of problems & opportunities that they might encounter in their environment and how to solve them.

Our BB curriculum is intense 120 hrs program spread over 15 – 25 days and completed over 3 – 4 months. The standard industry practice is to do 8hrs/day and accordingly the program gets completed in 15 days i.e., 3 weeks @ 1 week per month over 3 months. While we do the training in this format, we recommend a different format of 5hrs/day of learning spread over approx. 25 days in 4 months with sufficient gap to help participants absorb the learning and think of application in their context. This format in our experience leads much better results and ensures partial availability of participants for their day-to-day jobs. We are further open to customize the format as per specific client requests.

On the above lines, our GB curriculum is 40 hrs program spread over 5 – 8 days and completed over 1 -2 weeks. In standard format training is imparted @8hrs/day spread over 5 continuous days. In recommended format training is imparted @5hrs/day spread over 8 days in two weeks. Besides this, we can further customize it as per specific client requests.

We use multiple case studies which are worked upon by participants in small groups followed by brief presentations. We encourage participants to identify live projects after completing the initial modules and use these projects for discussions during training including relevant application of tools & techniques. We also provide mentoring & facilitation on projects post completion of training at additional fee.

Our Six Sigma body of knowledge generically covers DMAIC, Project Identification including definition & selection, Basic Statistical Concepts & Descriptive Statistics, Management Tools, Team Management, Basic Probability including Discrete and Continuous Data Distributions, Measurement System Validation, Inferential Analysis, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear & Non Linear Regression, Process Capability Analysis & Statistical Process Control Charts, Detail Process Analysis, Correlating Data Analysis with Process Analysis, Practical Hypothesis Validation, Testing & Piloting Solutions, FMEA & Control Plan, DFSS etc.

Our Six Sigma programs for ITeS and Services sector additionally covers Queueing Methods, Non-Parametric data analysis and inferencing methods, Forecasting Models, Linear Programming, Simulation Modelling and any other topic specifically requested by client organization or applicable in client’s organization in our view.

Our Six Sigma programs for Manufacturing sector also covers Design of Experiments (DOE) – full and fractional factorial designs, Linear & Quadratic Model, Forecasting Models, Mathematical Optimization techniques and any other topic specifically requested by client organization.

The differentiation between GB & BB program is done based on the desired level of comprehension. Mostly while the topics remain same, the level of comprehension starts from mere understanding to Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation as described below.

Understand Read & understand facts / ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating the main ideas; read & understand descriptions, communications, reports, tables, diagrams, directions, regulations, etc.
Apply (+Understand) Know when and how to use acquired knowledge, ideas, procedures, methods, formulas, principles, theories, etc. in new problem solving situations
Analyse (+Apply) Break down information into its constituent parts, recognize their relationship to one another and how they are organized; identify motives or causes, making inferences and find evidence to support generalizations; identify sublevel factors or salient data from a complex scenario
Synthesize Build a structure or pattern from diverse elements; ability to put parts together to form a whole.
Evaluate Make judgments about the value of proposed ideas, information, solutions, quality of work etc., by comparing the proposal to specific criteria or standards.

Based on the above, we have reproduced below the level of comprehension for GB and BB programs. The topic list is not comprehensive but for illustration purposes only. We conduct the following three programs:

Click to know more about Comprehension Levels.

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