In today’s complex business scenario, one can see few common observations across organizations irrespective of their lines of businesses and operating geographies:

  1. Business has become very dynamic due to ever increasing customer expectations, increasing competition, business model innovations & changes triggered due to rapid technological advances
  2. Margins are under tremendous pressures hence cost is constantly under scrutiny
  3. Resources in all forms are scarce and managers must learn to operate in a frugal environment
  4. Organizations still need to carve out budgets to reinvest in new technology and competent resources to stay ahead of the competition

The above scenario makes it imperative that an organization should define their priorities very diligently from scores of competing initiatives that they need to focus upon. Should one must invest more on automation to get quantum cost benefits with may be slightly longer gestation period OR should one invest on business optimization programs to make current operations more efficient with relatively lesser returns albeit at lower cost? There are no prescriptive solutions to such questions and answers are always contextual; what may work for an organization in India may not work for an organization in US, even if both of them have similar lines of businesses. This is just an example; in practice leadership is faced with hundreds of such dilemma in day to day operations.

So is there a way to figure out what would work my organization? Yes indeed!!

We at ShilpBodh recommend a Diagnostic Assessment of your business (or part of it, as applicable) to understand the problem & opportunities and create a prioritized roadmap with a blend of short to medium term interventions that optimize the efforts and returns on investment. This is very well aligned with overall business strategy of the organization and is actually a recommended first step with every business planning cycle.

A structured diagnostic assessment brings in a systematized and standardized approach. Developed by ShilpBodh’s experienced consulting team, it is refined in consultation with client leadership. The approach ensures objectivity in decision making while prioritizing the interventions and thus making it a transparent exercise. The triggers for such assessment could be multiple – Client Escalations, Low Margin Businesses in the Portfolio, need for Strategic Cost Transformation, Better Experience Design for Customers, Improving Ease of Doing Business, Scalability, Sustainability etc. Based on the combination of triggers identified, we chose the right assessment models with elements of the model drawn from various themes namely Process Maturity, Business Optimization, Integrated Improvement, Customer Touch point etc.

The framework is a proprietary ShilpBodh’s framework ‘4D4E’ model i.e., framework has 4 Dimensions with 4 Elements in each model i.e.,

  1. 4 Broad Areas of Assessments (Alignment, Design, Delivery and Enabling)
  2. 4 Broad Perspectives and their intersections (Cost, Process & Performance, Customer & People and Sustainability)
  3. 4 Broad Instruments (Reviews & Walkthroughs, Surveys & Interviews, Analytics and Workshops)
  4. 4 Broad Buckets of Opportunities (Structural, Performance, Optimization Completeness and Future Readiness)

Our Principals work with your leadership teams in creating a fairly detailed roadmap with cost benefit analysis, budgets & resource requirements, timelines, RACI matrix, Governance, risks etc. Of course, we work with you during this whole journey, handholding you till the benefits are realized.

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