In last two to three of decades, we have seen organizations worldwide have brought lot of focus on the customers – their needs and satisfaction. Various management frameworks and methodologies that have been prescribed and adopted have had a singular focus on doing right things around customer experience while maintaining the top and bottom line. On a closer examination you would realize that the strategy for achieving this is through ‘Execution Excellence’ at its core. Indeed, it had been the right approach and lot is yet to be achieved in this space.

However, a set of practitioners have brought in an interesting discussion on focussing on design through ‘Design Thinking’. The first question that immediately jumps to our mind is – Is this a new concept or another management fad? Indeed NOT. Design has always been considered as an important element of overall Product / Service Realization. But while organizations spend significant amount of time and budget designing tangible product, Services received less design attention and remained under-recognized & undervalued. To succeed in today’s competitive environment, this must change.

We at ShilpBodh focus on discipline of Service Design Thinking being part of the evolution process for over more than two decades.

Services have existed and have been organised in various forms since time immemorial. So, what is Service Design? True to its evolving nature, a common definition is yet to emerge which is a welcome thing. This allows practitioners to explore limitless possibilities of experimenting and integrating different methods & tools from various disciplined making it an interdisciplinary and holistic approach in true sense.

Service design as a practice generally results in the design of systems and processes aimed at providing a holistic service to the user. This cross-disciplinary practice combines numerous skills in design, management and process engineering. It helps to innovate (create new) or improve (existing) services to make them more useful, usable, desirable for clients and efficient as well as effective for organisations.

Service Design Thinking cannot be looked in isolation. It cannot be at the expense of current organizational efforts to bring in radical changes. The true power of Service Design can be achieved only if it integrates well with Execution Excellence.

We at ShilpBodh provide in-depth & detail Workshop on Service Design Thinking and help you to design your future course by best making it truly integrative with your current efforts.

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