We all understand that yesterday’s technology infrastructure cannot withstand tomorrow’s competitive demands. We need an agile technology foundation. One that’s able to adapt to new products and business models. Scale up or down to meet demand. Harness greater computing power. Improve reliability and performance. Stand up to cyber threats and regulatory scrutiny. And so on. Fulfilling these expectations requires more than technical know-how; effective technology leaders must also develop a business mind-set.

Contemporary CIOs, CTOs, COOs need to take a new approach by running their technology infrastructure as if it were a standalone business. They should invest in technology infrastructure just like they would in any business—expecting it to deliver products and services with the transparency and quality that they expect from other providers. Helping organizations achieve this shift is where we at “ShilpBodh” can pitch in.

We at “ShilpBodh” help clients in getting more values from their technology investments by addressing the following critical points:

  • Aligning Business & technology strategy: Aligning technology and business leadership with a common vision is critical to succeed. It is important to understand what organization’s overall strategy is. What is its core competency? What technology capabilities will the business need over the next three to five years to remain competitive?
  • Evolving technology needs: How could innovation disrupt or enhance the technology operation and enable new business models and outcomes? What emerging technologies are likely to challenge the status quo, changing the way you manage and govern technology?
  • Identifying the gaps: Evaluate the current technology infrastructure. What competitive advantages does it offer the business? Where are its vulnerabilities? Where is it holding the business back?
  • Developing the plan & implementing it: How to fill the gap between the capabilities that the business will need to execute its strategy and the current technology infrastructure’s capabilities? What operations should remain in-house? What could be outsourced or offshored? What are the advantages and risks? How to manage those risks

Our focus areas in IT infrastructure transformation include:

  • Data center facilities & infrastructure
  • Workplace technology, messaging, voice and collaboration
  • Server, storage & network
  • Architecture, engineering & operations
  • Internal and external customers and stakeholders
  • Financial metrics, operating model, sourcing, and location strategy
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