Analytics has become a buzz word in today’s businesses across the globe. Recent developments have seen two distinct patterns emerging out.

With more and more companies fighting for the share of customer’s wallet, both in B2C and B2B space, the competition has really become very stiff. This demands greater insights into every area of operations, be it external or internal. Externally, organizations should know in detail the customer segment, their behaviour, their buying habits & drivers, competitive market intelligence, better demand management etc. Internally, organizations should know at macro and micro level, the relationships between scores of variables to be able to infer the drivers of performance as well as predict with certain accuracy future likelihood performance for better and proactive management. For example, if it is a complex manufacturing industry then the relationship needs to be understood between multiple operations & product variables for better quality and yield. In areas like HR, manager should be able to model employee engagement with multiple variables that are perceived to be impacting the engagement score and hence the productivity.

On the other hand, new businesses / business models that were unheard of even a decade back are emerging on the backbone of new technology. For ex., e-commerce, service aggregators etc. Leveraging power of analytics to have deep understanding of their market and customer, these businesses can offer, what management gurus call, an opportunity for Mass Customization.

Interestingly, both the above scenarios thrive using the power of data and converting into actionable information. We at ShilpBodh, understand the opportunity this can create for our clients and end customers. We offer range of analytics services including data visualization and core statistical modelling in variety of functional areas. Our services include:

  • Operations Analytics – detail insights in the operations performance using inferential and predictive modelling techniques.
  • People Analytics – insights related to employee profiling, behavioural analysis, performance management
  • Customer Analytics – insights into customer segmentation, profiling, behavioural analysis, satisfaction drivers, experience redesign, churn analysis etc.,
  • Marketing Analytics – demand modelling, warranty analysis, cross / sell strategies etc.

Apart from the above, we also realise that not all data fits the definition of ‘Big’ data. There are specific Mathematical modelling techniques to solve for such scenarios and lead to radical improvement in Optimization opportunities. ShilpBodh offers a wide range of such mathematical modelling for optimizing business performance.

Our analytics approach helps you in solving chronic business & operations problem, brings out hidden opportunities to optimize, helps manage day-to-day operations more effectively by creating deep insights and provides complete scenario scan with what-if analysis for better decision making. Our Principals help you to create a detailed roadmap including competency building for deployment of business analytics in your organization.

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