Almost all companies with zero exception agree that the customers are most valuable asset for their business. They unequivocally state the reason for their existence being their customers and their entire organisation is customer centric etc. But at the same time, in reality, we all have had our own share of not so pleasant experiences from different providers. It is not just true in B2C space but is equally apparent in B2B space as well.

Why do such customer focussed organizations fail to deliver the experience that their senior management espouse for? Is it just a function of organization culture in play or more than that? True, organization culture certainly plays an important role in determining the experience that one may expect from the provider. But if we closely examine, there are multitude of parameters that come together in delivering a great experience or rather, lack of it.

The most important parameter is the design of the customer touch point processes starting from Acquisition, On-boarding, Complaint & Redressal Mechanism and Feedback. This is further compounded by the fact that different customer segments tends to behave differently. Should we have customized processes for different segments or should we have one single process with freedom available to front line managers to refine & customize the process based on need? Are our customer segments correctly defined in the first place? Are these segmentations static or dynamically determined by using analytical insights?

Most organizations have a comprehensive experience measurement system………or at least that is what they believe so. How good are these measurement systems? How are the findings ploughed back…… efficiently? Are these effective too? Are processes refined to reflect the feedbacks at the same pace as is expected by customers? Are Customer Analytics in place to relate with complaint data & satisfaction which recommend scores to internal controls, touch points and processes? Is churn data effectively utilised to focus on managing future churns?

We at ShilpBodh understand the need and focus that must be brought in managing customer experience. This is backed by multiple instances of handling critical customer related scenarios that our consultants have handled in their previous roles. The lifecycle of customer experience management undergoes three broad stages viz.,

  • Satisfaction
  • Loyalty and
  • Advocacy

We help you to move and manage the movement from one stage to the other by ensuring quantitative & qualitative analysis and recommendations. We help you with redesign of touch point processes aligned with organization’s strategy and appetite for change. Our insights can help your business to move from segment targeted offering to mass customization.

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