ShilpBodh offers the most comprehensive & intense learning programs. The contents of our programs have been benchmarked against world’s leading program offerings. Our learning objective is focussed not just on techniques to equip participants to deliver outstanding results; we bring in ‘Application’ centric approach to help participants absorb the learning and apply in their respective areas. The techniques, as relevant, are subtly introduced as part of the overall learning thus ensuring that participants at no stage are burdened & overwhelmed with theories.

Key feature of our learning practice is that it is highly modular with specific applications in mind but designed in a manner that each module fits very well with the overall learning objectives. Our learning modules come with lot of case examples and full-blown industry case studies which helps simulate live environment.

Most of the programs have multiple formats of delivery including customized formats to cater specific client needs. Our program contents are flexible to allow tailoring based on relevance and applicability. For most of the in-house programs, we undertake pre-training visit a week prior to program initiation. The visit is to primarily understand client’s business, challenges & opportunities, interact with few senior management personnel to better understand the expectations and thus create overall alignment with learning objectives. We may also request for certain data from different functional areas. This helps us to tailor make examples from client’s organizations to the extent possible, use their data to reinforce the learnings and most importantly, use their verbiage during discussions to make the learning smoother.

Our Learning Experts have deep industry experience across different sectors. This helps to pollinate cross industry learnings and good practices useful for our clients.

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